The Power of Reading

Reading as a hobby, culture and necessity evolved over the times since we know of human existence and is the commonest way of communication even today.

As technology evolved and social paradigms changed, text reading started getting modified into e-reading and printed text started losing its monopoly.

As an Ophthalmologist, I myself noticed the declining trend of reading printed journals and increasing ease and access to the online study material which often gives biased and incomplete information too. Moreover, in this era of COVID – 19 infections the online classes, webinars, live sessions have come into vogue.

So why this printed journal available to us? Is this the time to change? Or we need to revisit our thoughts?

I accept, online access is easily accessible, just on a single touch on phone or on a click on the mouse, and easy to read but let’s trace back our steps…

We studied throughout via reading books that use to leave an imprint on our grey matter. There is some beauty in reading books that simultaneously increases our concentrations and focussing ability. Actually, we read in between the lines leading to imagination & genesis of new ideas with less ocular fatigue, improved our vocabulary and creativity subsequently generated further reading ability. It also infuses a connect that results into the birth of the phrase that ‘Books are our best friends’. Moreover, we never had problems associated with screen exposure like headache, postural problems, dry eyes and computer vision syndrome? We enjoyed prolonged sittings with books without instilling eyedrops. Its definitely time to introspect!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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